Clerk’s Staff Donates to Charities

October 7, 2016

The staff in the Clerk of Courts’ office has started a charitable program. Every Friday, in order to wear jeans, an employee must contribute $1.00 to the charitable fund.  At the end of each quarter, an employee’s name is drawn from a jar and that employee can designate the funds donated to a charity of his/her choice.  So far, this year’s winners are: 1) ANGIE HOFF — Angie chose DESTINY RESCUE ($186.00); 2) SHIRLEY SICILIANO – Shirley chose BLAST GBM ($219.75); 3) BRIAN JULIAO – Brian chose STOW VFW POST 4738 ($213.00).  A big thank you to all staff who contributed to these worthwhile causes!


The Clerks participated in the 2016 Holiday Giving Program by adopting a family with two children – Andrew and Tiffany!


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